Friday, November 12, 2010

Dr. Temple Grandin

A few things to think about as I head to bed tonight! Temple talks about free range chickens producing eggs.  How do you raise free range chickens? If they are free range shouldn't they be able to go wherever they please? Also if we only raise free range chickens eggs, how will the common folk afford they higher priced eggs?  Temple is an amazing women and she is the future of agriculture and her ideas about cattle movement are awesome.  Take a minute to look into her for I believe she is where agriculture in the US is heading. To a calmer, more easy handling of cattle and the way her sets up feedlots and slaughtering plant also cattle to move gentling into the pens or the plant without fear. 

Remember most people don't live the life I live so just showing our side of the story.... more tomorrow! 


Thanks for looking on Rose Cattle Company's blog. I am Karoline Rose, the daughter to John Rose who owns this company.  I created this blog so I could share my experiences living and working with agriculture for the past 18 years with those who don't get the same privileged  as I did and continue to do. We are located in a Three Forks Montana and raise horses, stock dogs and I do have a few purebred angus cattle. :)  I am going to document my years during college and the work we do on the ranch and buying and selling cattle.