Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Nile Merit Heifer Program!

As many of you know I have a little pure bred Angus herd.  This has always been a huge dream of mine.  Since my father grew up on a ranch of his own I think he passed down his passion and love for showing cattle to me.  I was always active in 4-H showing sheep and spent a few years showing steers. Both 4-H and the Nile heifer program changed my life forever.

The Nile Merit Heifer Program is an amazing program that gave me the opportunity of a lifetime.  I applied two years in a row and was disappointed but in the end it was the best thing that ever happened to me.  The second year I applied I pulled up to the mail box and can remember receiving a huge envelope and knew right then I had won!

Current Creek Angus Ranch donated a heifer from their herd. I was offered any yearling heifer I wanted! They are so amazing and they gave me a huge gift.  Still to this day I am not sure they know how much they impacted my life.

Today my herd is 10 head and all but two of them are the result of my Nile Merit heifer.  I urge you to suggest this program to anyone who is under 17 and loves cattle.

Have a great day!  Its raining here and I am off to 16 hours of work :)

Karoline Rose

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